Hedgehog Facts for Kids

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Hedgehog is one of those animals with unique features and characteristics. Not many people know much about it. In this blog post, I have shared everything you need to know about the animal. Check out these Interesting Hedgehog facts for kids!


What is a Hedgehog?

Hedgehogs are small mammals that are found in Europe, Asia, and Africa. They have round bodies and are covered in spikes. Hedgehogs use their spikes for protection. Hedgehogs live in forests, grasslands, and also in urban locations.

Important facts about Hedgehog

  • Scientific Name : Erinaceus europaeus
  • Type: Mammal
  • Life Span: 3-8 Years
  • Diet: Omnivorous
  • Habitat: Woodland, Meadows and Grasslands
  • Found in: Parts of Europe, Asia, Africa

Interesting Facts about Hedgehog

1. Hedgehogs are Nocturnal animals

Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals, meaning that they sleep during the day and are active at night. This is because they’re more likely to find food at night when there are fewer predators around.

2. Hedgehogs Hibernate

In the winter months, these animals hibernate in order to survive the cold weather. But where do they go? And how do they do it?

Hedgehogs hibernate in a nest that they build out of leaves and grass. When hibernating, their body temperature drops and their heart rate slows down. This helps them to conserve energy and survive on their body fat until spring arrives.

Hibernation is an important survival tactic for Hedgehogs. Without it, they would not be able to make it through the cold winter months.

3. Hedgehogs are Lactose Intolerant

Hedgehogs cannot digest milk products. This is because hedgehogs lack the enzymes needed to break down lactose, a sugar found in milk. As a result, feeding hedgehogs milk can cause health problems. So never leave out milk for them.

4. Hedgehogs Curl when threatened

When a hedgehog feels threatened, it will curl up into a tight ball, protecting its soft underbelly and vulnerable face. The spines on its back are sharp, and this serves as a deterrent to predators.

5. Hedgehogs have 5000-7000 Quills

Hedgehog has stiff hollow Hairs (Spikes ) known as quills.  They last for around a year and fall out naturally, by the Time New quills grow.

6. Hedgehogs are Gardeners’ friends

The spiky little creatures are excellent at controlling pests, and they will often eat slugs, snails, and other insects that can damage your plants.  So if you see a hedgehog wandering through your garden, be sure to give it a warm welcome – it just might be the best gardener you ever had!

7. A pack of Hedgehogs is known as an Array

But have you ever seen a group of Hedgehogs? It is highly unlikely because hedgehogs are solitary creatures. They spend their entire lives alone except during the mating season. But a group of hedgehogs is called an Array.

8. Hedgehogs have Poor Eyesight

Hedgehogs rely primarily on their sense of smell and hearing to navigate their environment and find food.

9. Hedgehogs are used as pets

In spite of their prickly exterior, hedgehogs are gentle creatures that pose no threat to humans. In fact, they are often used as pets in many parts of the world.

10. Hedgehogs can Swim

You might be surprised to learn that hedgehogs are excellent swimmers! Their strong legs and sharp claws give them plenty of power to propel themselves through the water, and their quills help to streamline their bodies. Hedgehogs often use their swimming ability to escape from predators, but they also sometimes take a dip just for fun.

In fact, many hedgehogs enjoy swimming so much that they will build nests near ponds or other bodies of water.

11. Hedgehogs execute a Behaviour called Anointing

When a hedgehog encounters a new scent, it will often lick and nibble at the object until they foam at the mouth. Then, it will use its saliva to mix up a foam that it will then spread all over its body. This process is known as anointing. Anointing helps the hedgehog to mask its own scent and become camouflaged from predators.


12. What do Hedgehogs Eat?

Hedgehogs are omnivores. Hedgehogs’ diet consists mainly of insects, such as beetles, crickets, and worms. They will also eat snails, slugs, and other small invertebrates. In addition to their diet of insects, hedgehogs will also eat fruits and vegetables.

In the wild, hedgehogs typically eat whatever is in season. However, pet hedgehogs should have a diet that is rich in protein and low in fat. Hedgehogs should also have access to water at all times. A bowl of fresh water should be provided daily.

13. Who are the Predators of Hedgehog?

In the wild, hedgehogs often fall prey to foxes, badgers, weasels, and snakes. Birds of prey such as owls and hawks may also hunt hedgehogs, though these animals are not common prey for most raptors.

Domestic cats and dogs may also pose a threat to hedgehogs, as they can easily kill these small mammals.

14. How do Hedgehogs Reproduce?

Hedgehogs reproduce by giving birth to live young. After fertilization, female hedgehogs give birth in 35 days to anywhere from one to eight offspring.

Baby hedgehogs (also known as hoglets) are born blind and deaf but are quickly able to fend for themselves. Within a few weeks, they will leave their mother’s side to start life on their own.

13. Where do Hedgehogs live?

Hedgehogs are found in Parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. In Europe, they are found near hedgerows and other dense vegetation, which provide ideal nesting sites. In Africa, hedgehogs are found in forests and savannas.

Hedgehogs typically live solitary lives, only coming together to mate. During the day, they shelter in dens made from leaves, grasses, and twigs.

16 Hedgehogs used to be called urchins

Sea urchins were named after the hedgehog. Their names were changed to hedgehogs in 1450 as they like to be in garden hedges and sound like hogs.

15 Hedgehog Vs Porcupine – What is the difference?

Hedgehogs are not related to Porcupines. Unlike the Fact that both have spikes, Hedgehogs and Porcupines are very different from Each other. Here are facts that make them different


Moreover, Hedgehogs are much smaller than porcupines and have short tails.

17. There are 17 species of Hedgehogs.

The Species vary in colour, size, adaptations and Hibernation behaviour. African Pygmy Hedgehogs are the smallest hedgehogs.

So had fun Learned and Teaching these Hedgehog facts to kids? Now, here are some fun Activities that you can do to make a complete Hedgehog unit.

Hedgehog Themed-Activities for kids:

To learn more about Hedgehogs, Here are some fun activities, books and crafts for kids.

Hedgehog Crafts

  1. Get the Hedgehog Template and Get Crafty
  2. Make a Handprint Hedgehog Craft
  3. Colourful Hedgehog Crafts
  4. Baby Hedgehog craft


Learn to draw a Hedgehog



  1. Learn the Life Cycle of a Hedgehog with the Free Printable
  2. Counting with Hedgehog.
  3. Make a Hedgehog Lapbook. 


  1. Make playdough hedgehogs
  2. Make hedgehog with Leaves
  3. Make a Rainbow Hedgehog costume

Hedgehog Video

See how the hedgehog walks, sleeps, and curls with a cool song!

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